Telecharger Wii Iso Bca Editor V1.00

Telecharger Wii Iso Bca Editor V1.00

Telecharger Wii Iso Bca Editor V1.00 8,7/10 6405 votes

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Here are dumping methods for Nintendo Gamecube / Wii optical discs according to quality standards.

Before dumping anything take care about infos you need to submit:

1. Checksum (crc32, md5, sha1, ed2k): use Hashcalc (mirror) to get these infos quickly

2. Image size: it must be always as follows:

- Gamecube: 1.459.978.240 bytes (712.880 sectors)
- Wii: 4.699.979.776 bytes (2.294.912 sectors)
- Wii DL: 8.511.160.320 bytes (4.155.840 sectors)

3. Disc ID / Serial: DL-DOL-Gxxx-yyy for Gamecube and RVL-Rxxx-yyy for Wii, the one written on upper side of disc (if you cannot read it find the right light angle).

4. Ring Code: you can find it on bottom side on disc in the inner inside ring (if you cannot read it find the right light angle). If you cannot read Ring Code at all, please post Barcode instead.

5. Region: Japan, Europe, USA, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Australia, etc. (if not sure check yyy of Serial).

6. Version: open your dumped image with HxD (or another Hex editor) and look at offset 0x07:

if value is 0x00 => v1.00 ; if value is 0x01 => v1.01 ; if value is 0x02 => v1.02 and so on.

Version can be also retrieved via Ring Code. Take for example this '1080° Avalanche (E)' GC ring code

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'IFPI LQ11 103J3008 DOL-GTEP-0-00 JPN S0'

or Wii '2K Sports: NBA 2K10'

'IFPI LL89 E09J1512 RVL-R76E-0A-0 USA M1S7'

the bold numbers are the same as the hex value:

For GC: if value is -00 => v1.00 ; if value is -01 => v1.01 ; if value is -02 => v1.02 and so on.
For Wii: if value is -0 => v1.00 ; if value is -1 => v1.01 ; if value is -2 => v1.02 and so on.

Please take care to check Version with the standard Hex viewer method because numbers in GC/Wii ring codes are smaller than any other media around and it's so easy to write down the wrong number or letter.

7. Edition: Original, Player's Choice, Bundle, Promo, Demo etc.

8. Languages: English, Japanese, French, Spanish, German, Italian and so on

- Some games have language selection at game loading or inside game options.

- Some games have language detection by bios configuration, change it to see if the game has more languages.

- Please take care that if a game has for example 'En,Fr' as spoken languages and 'En,Fr,De,Sp,It' as subtitles, it's better to submit 'En,Fr' as languages and add subtitles languages in the notes (if you use wip form).

9. Tools used to dump your disc (see below).


1. Optional infos are ---> Dol-MD5 (only for Gamecube use dolmd to get checksum - mirror), Barcode.

2. Header is not required and it has no reason to be archived because every usefull data is still avaible (unless Streaming that is not archived and it has to be clearified). Header can be necessary for alternative dumps when it's the only info to identify a dump.

3. Please post also Layer Break for Dual Layer Wii discs.


4. Gamecube/Wii discs has no clear EXE date. The date you find in Gamecube images header is not an EXE date as we mean; that date is probably the EXE date of boot application which is common to many games, like autoexec for old dos games (if you play something around with some vintage cpu like MSX you'll know better what I mean).

Here is a sample template anyone can use to post needed infos:

Ring Code:
Image Size:


DUMPING disc from your PC

You need one of the following LG DVD drives:

A. Dumping with Rawdump (mirror - you may need to install .NET framework 2.0)

Simply insert disc in your LG drive, check 'Dual Layer' box if disc is dual layer and click 'Start Dump'.

It will take around 45min for Gamecube and 2h 30min for Wii, when the dump is finished a popup will show.

B. Dumping with Friidump (mirror - this package contain a batch file to automate the process, edit it if needed)

Use the batch file in the archive (edit it if needed, I have set it to typical drive D:) or start a command prompt, move to friidump directory and type:

If your LG drive letter is different, type the right letter instead of D

Let program dump disc, it will take a little more than Rawdump.

DUMPING disc from your softmodded Wii to SD card

1. Softmod your Wii with one of the guides around (gbatemp or wiihacks websites for example and take care not to brick it with stupid IOS or Sysmenu patches).

Tools needed: SD card (8GB is best choise) + Superdump + IOS249 (cIOS38) v1.3b

2. Copy the content of this package (mirror) to your SD card, it contains Superdump v.1.2 and v1.3, cIOS38 v1.3b and cIOS uninstaller.

3. If you have cIOS v1.4 or v1.5 uninstall it with the unistaller and then install v1.3b to have a clean system. Don't use IOS249 v1.4 or v1.5 because it has a bug which cannot read last sector of first layer of Wii dvds (not confirmed: please beware some modchips cannot retrieve right dumps of Wii dvds even with v1.3b or lower)

4. Insert your disc and your SD card in your Wii, lauch HBC (HomeBrew Channel) and load Superdump. The screen will switch to a command line with the following options to choose with your Wiimote:

B = changes DVD type (Gamecube, Wii Single Layer, Wii Double Layer).

1 = changes image chunks size

2 = changes #n of chunks to dump *

A = starts dumping

* please remember to move to next chunk -- 0,1,2 -- after you dump first one otherwise you'll continue to dump the same chunk. Gamecube discs can be dumped in one chunk, Wii games have to be dumped at least in 2 chunks because a chunk cannot be bigger than 3GB because of FAT limitation.

It will take around 10min for GC and 30min for Wii discs, if you got 'error reading sector data' message your dump is wrong (last sector, or more for DL discs, has not been dumped. See above).

5. Once you have dumped one chunk (if you have a 8GB SD or bigger you can wait and dump all the chunks), move it on your PC and delete it from SD. Remount SD in your Wii, dump next chunk and repeat the process untill you have finished.

6. Once finished you'll have all your chunks on PC (Ex: RZDJ01_0.bin, RZDJ01_1.bin, etc. if dumped with Superdump 1.3, 1.bin,2.bin, etc. if dumped with Superdump 1.2) and you have to join them to a single file; to do this simply open a command promp and join files with copy command *:



1. Superdump v1.3 has a problem with multiple disc Gamecube games, you have to dump and move to PC the first disc dump before dumping the second disc because of same name in the header. To avoid this loss of time dump first disc with v1.3 and second disc with v1.2 (this is mainly why I put both apps in the package).

2. * If you have problems with copy command you can join chunks with HxD: on menu select 'Extras ---> File tools ---> Concatenate..'. On the new window open all chunk files, order them right and save the joined file as output with your preferred name in your preferred directory.

3. Don't dump anything via wifi tools becuase it's confirmed it will return a bad dump!!!

DUMPING GC disc from your Gamecube
---------------------------------------------------------------------- do (see here)

My patch requests thread

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This is a GameCube and Wii dumping guide using the Nintendo Wii. In addition, Wii games can also be dumped with a modded Wii U.

For dumping beta discs (GameCube NR, Wii RVT-R) see Nintendo GameCube (NR) / Wii (RVT-R) Dumping Guide.


  • A soft- or hardmodded Wii with Homebrew Channel installed. (Follow this guide to softmod your Wii)
  • SD Card or USB Stick
  • CleanRip (Download here)
  • NOTE: For unlicensed Datel discs, you must dump with a modified version of CleanRip[1].

Optional Requirements (Strongly recommended)

  • A large enough USB Harddisk or Thumbdrive. (USB2.0 and formatted to NTFS)
  • IOS58 is needed to dump at USB2.0 speed. (A full Wii dump will take less then 15 minutes while using USB2.0 speed, if you followed the above guide you will have IOS58 installed)
  • Up-to-date GC and/or Wii datfile (See notes in the next section)


  • Launch CleanRip from the Homebrew Channel.
  • Press A to accept the disclaimer.
  • Select Yes when CleanRip asks to use Checksums to verify the dump (CleanRip v2.1.0+)
  • Select the device type you want to dump to: USB Drive (Recommended) or the Front SD Card slot.
  • Select the filesysem type of your device: NTFS (Recommended) or FAT
  • Connect the USB Drive and press A
  • CleanRip will now search the device for a DAT file for the Wii and GC (these should be named wii.dat and gc.dat respectively and placed in the root directory of the device). If it can't find those files it gives you the option to download them for you (ONLY download the datfiles automatically if you don't have access to the Wii datfile).
    • Note: If you don't have dumper status on you can't download the Wii datfile directly (Only the GC datfile), you will have to submit some dumps first to get dumper status.
  • Insert the disc into the Wii and press A to start dumping. Note: A GameCube disc will start dumping immediately, if the inserted disc is a Wii disc an extra Wii Disc Ripper setup screen appears.
    • [Wii ONLY]: Select if this disc is Dual Layer or not (Most likely NO since there are not many dual layer Wii discs, check this site to be sure)
    • [Wii ONLY]: Select the chunk size. (Choose MAX here if you have an NTFS formatted drive, this will dump the disc into a single .iso file and not split it up into smaller parts)
    • [Wii ONLY]: Select New device Per Chunk. (Choose NO, only used if your device is too small to hold a single dump)

Submitting the Dump Info

After dumping the disc you will end up with 3 files in the root of your device called <GAMEID>.iso, <GAMEID>.bca and <GAMEID>-dumpinfo.txt.

  • Note: If you didn't select MAX at the chunk size option above or are using a FAT32 device, the iso will be split into parts. These parts will be equal to the chosen chunk size or have a maximum filesize of 4GB (on FAT32 devices) and will be named GAMEID.partX.iso
  • These parts can be joined later on using the CLI methods described here or using the concatenate function of HxD (GUI method)

The <GAMEID>-dumpinfo.txt file contains the CRC32, MD5 and SHA-1 values of the dump. The game version can also be found in the same file.

  • Game title: Most obvious, is located everywhere. Please include subtitle if any.
  • Region: The region the disc originated from like USA, Japan or Europe
  • Languages/Language Select: Some games either show a language selection screen at startup or in the game options. Many games will boot with different languages depending on the active language selected in the BIOS. Booting the game with each language selected in the bios is necessary to identify the supported languages for these games. Note that it is possible to submit a game without checking the languages, but this then needs to be stated in your submission.
    • Tip: Using an emulator like Dolphin can speed up the language checking dramatically since you can switch the BIOS language in the emulator settings much faster than on a real Wii.
    • In Dolphin's general settings menu, enable the 'Activate Dual Core' and set 'Speed Limit: Unlimited' to increase the speed of language checking even further.
    • Note: For PAL discs you need to check the following BIOS languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Dutch.
    • For NTSC-U discs you only need to check for: English, French and Spanish.
  • Disc Serial: It is located on top of the disc surface and commonly is in the form of 'DL-DOL-XXXX-XXX' (where X is a letter) for GC games and 'RVL-XXXX-XXX' (where X is a letter) for Wii games, also it may have some additional characters (Like -B0 or -B1) appended. Examples: DL-DOL-GSAP-EUR, RVL-RKGP-EUR-B0. (Reference Image)
  • Disc Title: Some GC games stored on multiple discs may have discs with titles. Examples: Armored Core: Nexus (Disc 1) (Evolution) and (Disc 2) (Revolution).
  • Edition: some games were rereleased in different packages or bundled with extra hardware, for example, Player's Choice/Greatest Hits/Starter Pack/Nintendo Selects. If the game was released in original package, post edition as 'Original'.
  • Case Barcode: The number on the case displayed beneath the vertical lines, see Barcode.
  • Case Serial: The serial on the case, this is a serial which describes the region or country the case cover is from. Example: RVL P RKGP (RVL-RKGP-SCN) where in this case SCN means it's the scandinavian cover.
  • Size: For GC discs, the size is 1.459.978.240, for Wii discs the size is either 4.699.979.776 (Single Layer) or 8.511.160.320 (Dual Layer)
  • Ring codes: The string of characters displayed on the inner rings of the disc. Check older submissions to make sure that you report everything that is needed. Make sure you have good lighting conditions and/or a magnifying glass if you have problems reading the text. For more information about the (mould) SID codes see this link.
    • Mastering Code (back): This is the ringcode starting with 3 digits followed by a letter and another 4 digits, seperate by a tab, then the game code. Example: 308K0111 RVL-RKGP-0A-0 JPN S0 (Reference Image)
    • Mastering SID Code (back): The small IFPI + 4 character code before the mastering code. Most PAL discs have 'IFPI LL38', 'IFPI LQ11' or 'IFPI LQ12' as mastering SID code. Most USA discs have 'IFPI LL07', 'IFPI LL08' or 'IFPI LL09' (Reference Image)
      Note: There are exceptions so PAL mastering SID codes can be found on USA/JPN discs and vice versa
    • Mould SID Code (back): The is the IFPI code followed by 4 characters on the transparent section (mould) of the disc. These can be very hard to read as the characters are very small. For USA discs this follows the format of 'IFPI V9XX' where XX are alphanumeric characters. O and 0 are tricky to differentiate, but the letter O is wider than the number 9. (Reference Image)
    • Additional Mould Text (back): This is either empty or 'MADE IN JAPAN' for european Wii discs. This is either empty or 'MADE IN USA PDMC.CA' for USA Wii discs.
    • Toolstamp (back): Some NTSC games have this engraved/stamped. (Reference Image)
    • Mould SID Code (front): The is the IFPI code followed by 4 characters on the transparent section (mould) of the disc. These can be very hard to read as the characters are very small. This code follows the same format the back Mould SID Code but most often has different values for the last two characters.
    • Additional Mould Text (front): This is either empty or 'MADE IN JAPAN' for european Wii discs. This is either empty or 'MADE IN USA PDMC.CA' for USA Wii discs.
    • Tip: Using a fairly good smartphone camera which can zoom can help tremendously reading the mould SID codes.
  • BCA: BCA or Burst Cutting Area information is kept in the <GAMEID>.bca file. For more information about the BCA see this link.

Submitting Info to Redump

Submit your dumps on the 'Dumps' forum here. If you have dumper rights you can submit the dumpinfo using the New Disc form.

Notes using the New Disc form:

  • In the New Disc form, put all ring information in the 'Ring' field like you would using the template below (a moderator will format them properly).
  • Language Select and Case Serial information can go into the 'Comments' field.
  • BCA should be submitted in 4 equal length lines. (The easiest method is to use a hex editor like HxD to open the .bca file and paste the contents into the form)
  • changed the way versions/revisions are handled. Check the version in the CleanRip <GAMEID>-dumpinfo.txt. Version/Revision should be left blank when v1.00, Rev 1 when v1.01, Rev 2 when v1.02 etc..

USA/JPN in the ring information refers to where the disc was manufactured, not where it was intended to be sold. Usually, NTSC-U discs are manufactured in the USA and other discs are manufactured in Japan, but there are exceptions.

Note: Don't forget to attach the GAMEID.bca file to the post! Mame 0.139u1 retroarch.

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Telecharger Wii Iso Bca Editor V1.00
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